

Welcome to the Baumann lab data archive!

“We believe that data archiving and responsible sharing facilitate good science by allowing it to build on previous findings and observations.”

“Data archiving is more than just the right thing to do. It ensures that research data remain accessible and comprehensible in the future. This future often has a different use for the data than their original collectors had in mind.”

By the time a research paper is submitted, a study's data most often reside on somebody's computer, intertwined with analyses - some final, some merely glimpses of ultimately discarded analytical pathways. There are typically myriads of folders, spreadsheets, preliminary figures. A few years later, even the first author of a paper often cannot remember anymore what was what in there. Source data are also often lost simply because computers are discarded, programs move on and are not always backwards compatible.
Data archiving is the solution. It forces the researcher after completion of a project to separate the source (i.e., measurements, observations) and meta-data (time of sample, experiment, depth, etc) from her/his analyses and then clearly annotate the source files to ready them for online storage. This is the best way to prevent what some have called 'conveyor belt science' - i.e., a thirst for data to fuel one particular research angle and paper, followed by raw data being discarded again by the fast pace of time and the subsequent sense of needing more data ...

Always cite data DOI when using data!

Abbreviated description of source data Corresponding publication Data base, link
Temperature, pH, DO monitoring in Mumford Cove, CT, USA Data set: 4/2015-12/2022 BCO-DMO
Juvenile Black sea bass winter growth and lipid accumulation under varying food and temperature conditions - Experiment 1 Zavell et al. TAFS 2023 BCO-DMO
Temperature-dependence of juvenile Black sea bass growth and lipid accumulation - Experiment 2 Zavell et al. TAFS 2023 BCO-DMO
Ammodytes dubius reference genome, metadata and individual lcWGS read archives (SRA, n = 315, fastq.gz archives) BioProject PRJNA834854 Jones et al. ICES JMS 2023 NCBI
Bash markdown for scripts used on the UConn Xanadu HPC cluster for population genomic analyses of sand lance Jones et al. ICES JMS 2023 LOCAL
Dataset 1: Hatch source sand lance experiments E1 (2018) and E2 (2020) Baumann et al. MEPS 2022 BCO-DMO
Dataset 2: Morphometrics of sand lance hatchlings in experiments E1 (2018) and E2 (2020) Baumann et al. MEPS 2022 BCO-DMO
Dataset 3: Unhatched stages of sand lance embryos in experiment E1 (2018) Baumann et al. MEPS 2022 BCO-DMO
Dataset 4: Chorion thickness of sand lance embryos in experiment E1 (2018) Baumann et al. MEPS 2022 BCO-DMO
Dataset 5: Hatch source of the CO2 switch trials in experiment E2 (2020) Baumann et al. MEPS 2022 BCO-DMO
Otolith microstructure of young-of-year Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) from Mumford Cove during 2015 Pringle & Baumann MEPS 2019 BCO-DMO
CO2- and temperature-specific survival of northern sand lance Ammodytes dubius offspring 2016-17 Murray et al. Cons Phys 2019 BCO-DMO
Morphometrics of northern sand lance Ammodytes dubius offspring reared under factorial CO2 x temperature conditions 2016-17 Murray et al. Cons Phys 2019 BCO-DMO
Data from the 2015-16 spawning trial in a study of CO2 and temperature-specific reproductive traits in Menidia menidia Concannon et al. ICES JMS 2021 BCO-DMO
Data on egg production resulting from the 2015-16 spawning trial in a study of CO2 and temperature-specific reproductive traits in Menidia menidia Concannon et al. ICES JMS 2021 BCO-DMO
Data from the fecundity trial 2018-19 in a study of CO2 and temperature-specific reproductive traits in Menidia menidia Concannon et al. ICES JMS 2021 BCO-DMO
Egg measurements from the fecundity trial 2018-19 in a study of CO2 and temperature-specific reproductive traits in Menidia menidia Concannon et al. ICES JMS 2021 BCO-DMO
Survival data from static and fluctuating pCO2 x dissolved oxygen (DO) experiments on Menidia menidia 2017-2018 Cross et al. Sci Rep 2019 BCO-DMO
Growth data from static and fluctuating pCO2 x dissolved oxygen (DO) experiments on Menidia menidia 2017-2018 Cross et al. Sci Rep 2019 BCO-DMO
Carbonate chemistry data from static and fluctuating pCO2 x dissolved oxygen (DO) experiments on Menidia menidia 2017-2018 Cross et al. Sci Rep 2019 BCO-DMO
CO2-specific early life survival and growth of M. menidia from 20 experiments 2012-2017 Baumann et al. Biol Lett 2018 Data Dryad
CO2 x temperature-specific early life survival and growth of M. menidia from 5 experiments Murray & Baumann Diversity 2018 BCO-DMO
Fatty acid profiles of M. menidia females and their unfertilized eggs Snyder et al. JEMBE 2017 BCO-DMO
Survival, length, and growth responses of M. menidia offspring from different females exposed to contrasting CO2 environments Snyder et al. JEMBE 2017 BCO-DMO
Long-term growth data of juvenile Menidia menidia reared at contrasting CO2 levels Murray et al. IJMS 2016 BCO-DMO
Combined otolith microstructure and trace element analyses in Pacific bluefin tuna juveniles Baumann et al. IJMS 2015 PANGAEA
Microsatellites, M. menidia, parentage, survival under high CO2 Malvezzi et al. EVA 2015 Data Dryad
Growth, survival, hatch, CO2 x oxygen, M. beryllina, M. menidia, Cyprinodon variegatus Depasquale et al. MEPS 2015 BCO-DMO
Seasonal growth, survival, chemistry, M. menidia, 3 CO2 levels Murray et al. MEPS 2015 PANGAEA
Survival, growth, Menidia beryllina, carbonate chemistry Baumann et al. NCLIM 2012 PANGAEA
Vertebral number, Atherinops affinis, adults and offspring from different latitudes along the North-American Pacific Baumann et al. Copeia 2012 PANGAEA
Thermal reaction norms of growth in Atlantic and Pacific silverside fishes Baumann & Conover PRSB 2012 PANGAEA
Source data on Baltic and North Sea sprat otolith microstructure analysis, growth, feeding experiments (Baumann, PhD research 2002-06 Baumann et al. Fish Oceanogr 2006; MEPS 2006; Fish Res 2008; J Sea Res 2009 PANGAEA