
"We used a hydrodynamic circulation model to investigate the potential origin (backward simulations) and fate (forward simulations) of northern sandlance (Ammodytes dubius) from Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. The contour plots show the percentage of particles from all runs for each of 27 years (1990-2016)."

The findings of this Lagrangian drift study were summarized in a white paper to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Baumann, H. Suca, J.J., Wiley, D.N., and Llopiz, J.K. (2020) Origin and fate of sandlance Ammodytes dubius offspring from Stellwagen Bank, inferred from Lagrangian drift simulations. BOEM white paper in partial fulfillment to grant #M17PG0019 Productivity and ecology of sand habitats

Backward simulations (17-31 Mar, 1990-2016, 15-35m depth, 68-85d)

Forward simulations (1-13 Jan, 1990-2016, 15-35m depth, 68-85d)